Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March Schedule of Events

Here's a rundown of events I have scheduled for March so far.

March 5th, 6:30-8:30, $10.00, notebook, pen, jumbo paperclip and 3 cards

March 9th, 1-3, $10.00.... hmmm... What should we make???

March 12th, 6:30-8:30, $10.00 Stamp a Stack, 10 cards (these will be pretty basic)

March 16th, 1-3, CANCELLED (sorry for any inconvenience)

March 19th, 6:30-8:30, CANCELLED (sorry for any inconvenience)

March 23rd, 1-3, $10.00, Stamp a Stack, 10 cards

March 26th, 6:30-8:30, CHANGED 4 cards for $5.00

March 28th, 1-3, Barbara's workshop!

That still leaves lots of room for you to schedule a workshop in your own home or mine for you and your friends! Contact
nuzzlekiti@yahoo.com to RSVP or to schedule your workshop. Please RSVP 2 days prior to event ~ thank you!

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