Thursday, June 4, 2009

June Schedule of Events

Monday June 8th 1pm: 4 cards for $5.00

Wednesday June 10th 1pm: Stamp a Stack, 10 cards for $10.00

Friday June 12th 1pm: Pen, notebook, jumbo paperclip and 3 cards for $10.00

Monday June 15th 1pm: Stamp a Stack, 10 cards for $10.00

Thursday June 18th 1pm: 4 cards for $5.00

Monday June 22nd 1pm: Stamp a Satck, 10 cards for $10.00

Wednesday June 24th 1pm: Big Bold Birthday goodbye stamp camp! Cute projects and cards all made using Big Bold Birthday! And you get to keep the stamp set! Pre-registration and payment in full due by June 16th. $35.00

Friday June 26th 1pm: 4 cards for $5.00

Monday June 29th 1pm: ABC Images goodbye party! Cute projects and cards all made using ABC Images! $10.00 (Stamp set is NOT included with this class)

Classes are not kid friendly, please make babysitting arrangements. I do plan on having kid friendly events in the future.

Contact me (Heather) at (253) 266-3331 two days prior to the event you wish to attend to reserve your spot. Happy Stampin'!

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